Lifestyle Concierge


서울특별시 / Seoul City

Job type




Service Provided by

Adecco Korea




1> 종합운동장역 3분거리 [재택병행 가능]

2> Bilingual CS Agent

3> 야간수당 지급

[About Our Client]

- 채용사는 21개 국가에서 다양한 분야의 최고의 파트너사들과 전략적 제휴를 통해 고객사의 VIP회원들에게 다양한 라이프스타일과 혜택을 제공하여 “고객사에 대한 회원들의 로열티를 강화”시키는 것을 목표로 하며 사업을 하고 있습니다.


- 서울 송파구 종합운동장역 인근

[Key Responsibilities]

- build sound knowledge of any customers during interactions

- Strives to leave the customer with a positive customer experience after every contact

- Providing innovative and resourceful solutions and recommendations to all types of requests

- Able to consult and advise customers to assess travel needs and provide accurate and timely information regarding requests.

- Is actively seeking for the latest and most updated information relative to lifestyle needs and trends to be able to support the lifestyle needs of affluent customers.

- Has a detailed understanding of client’s brand promise, and uses program benefits and privileges to better fulfill customer requests.

- As a brand ambassador for our clients, represents clients’ brands in a professional manner that builds their market profile.

- Seeks to provide the best possible customer experience.

[Key Requirements]

- Diploma or Bachelor's degree in related fields

- 신입가능 

- 호텔 front desk/ OTA CS경험 우대

- Business-level English skills (Good in an additional language is a plus)

- Able to work on two-shift rosters including night and weekend working

▶ Shift > A: 9:00 - 21:30/ N: 21:00 - 9:30

▶주 3~4일 근무

- Strong communication skills

- Problem solving skills & Detail-oriented attitude

[What's on Offer]

- 근무장소 : 서울 송파구

- 근무시간 : Shift > A: 9:00 - 21:30/ N: 21:00 - 9:30 (한 달 약 15일 빈도로 Shift 근무)

- 고용형태 : 정규직

- 급여수준 : 기본급여 + 야간 및 휴일 수당 + KPI에 따른 인센티브 별도

- 복리후생 : 4대보험, 월/연차 등 기타 복리후생



- 국영문 이력서 및 경력기술서 작성 후 이메일 접수

- 접수처: / 02-6200-9703





The Unique Expertise of Adecco

Strong Client Relationship, Data-Driven Process
Interpersonal Process Management, 70 Years of Experience



Adecco is acting as an Employment Business in relation to this vacancy.
Apply with The Adecco Group, an Equal Opportunities Employer.

지원할지 망설여지나요? 위의 연락처로 아데코 컨설턴트와 직접 상담 받아보세요.

Apply with Adecco

Reference number

JN -102024-136357

Date Posted

15/10/2024 8:32:00 PM

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