[Week 2] CEO for One Month, Sofie Loenseth

[Week 2] CEO for One Month, Sofie Loenseth

CEO for One Month 2주차, Sofie는 임원진들과 함께 아데코코리아의 하반기 목표를 수립하고 리더십 전략을 공유하는 Leadership Meeting에 참여하며 아데코 비지니스에 대한 이해를 넓히고 본인의 의견을 공유 할 수 있는 시간을 가졌습니다.


2주차 Sofie가 생각하는 Future of Work에 대해 더 자세히 살펴보세요!



The purpose of the Adecco group is “Making the future work for everyone”, but what does really the future of work look like and how do young people prepare for the change. Through my first two weeks at Adecco Korea I have been learning about the future of work and what it means for the young people that make up the workforce of tomorrow.


Gig and Platform Economy

Compared to before the way we work is changing drastically, more and more people are working as freelancers and sharing their skills on a need basis. This proposes a unique opportunity to share highly specialized skills, working and getting skills needed no matter where in the world we are based and can provide workers with increased flexibility and autonomy. On the other side, it can cause more uncertainty and exploitation. Researching the market, knowing the value of your skills and market them accordingly will be crucial in order for young workers to thrive in gig and platform economies.

Geopolitical and Economic Uncertainty

Geopolitical and economic uncertainty is impacting our day to day life and our future no matter if we like it or not, but what does that really mean and how does it impact our future? These matters seem frightening as they are a threat to stability and what we know, but this also pushes us to think in new ways. The pandemic has been just one example of this, where the necessity of having to work of home, reducing travel and avoid social contact has pushed companies to shift to a more flexible model, which many will keep even after the pandemic has ended.


Sustainability is no longer a buzzword corporations throw around. Sustainability is necessary commitment that all companies and individuals need to consider in their work and everyday life. Companies need to continuously innovate and commit to stay relevant, but also to attract talent. Millennials and Gen z make up ca. 64% of the global working population by 2025, and they are also more likely to be concerned about sustainability when it comes to choosing workplace compared to previous generations. When it comes to sustainability, the workforce of tomorrow will play a significant role in ensuring ethical and sustainable business practices and to encourage companies and individuals to do better for the world as a whole.


The concept of traveling to the future is a relatively new concept. In the past, the transformation of the society was treated as accidental progressions rather than an inevitable consequence of the passing of time and people were not especially concerned with what the future would look like. However, in the past couple of years the speed if change has accelerated massively and as a consequence companies and people need to be forward leaning and keep evolving faster than ever before. The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted and forced companies to rethink the way we work and preparing and embracing digital transformation will have a significant impact on the way we enter the workforce.

Human Centricity

As the digital transformation and geopolitical and economic uncertainty causes the need to care about each other and make sure people are not left behind. The Adecco group is also concerned with upskilling and reskilling workers whose jobs have been replaced or made redundant because of technology or other causes though for example General Assembly. By addressing the skill imbalances and carrying the value of care and consideration for humans. Bringing that into the way we develop workplaces and develop the technology with humans in mind, we will not only ensure we bring everyone along, but also utilize our human resources the most efficiently.


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